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Say Goodbye to Alhambra!

The Magical Genie announces the winners!

The vibrant and ever-evolving world of Casper Hotel is buzzing with excitement as the winners of the highly anticipated Alhambra competitions are revealed, and the Grand Casper Cruise sets sail once again toward its next thrilling destination.

After days of intense competition, the winners of the prominent Alhambra contests have been named:

Room of the Week (ROTW): The talented Casper user blueone has claimed the top spot for the highly coveted Room of the Week award with their stunning and imaginative Alhambra-inspired creation. Blueone will soon receive their special prize and a unique badge to commemorate this achievement.

Trax Competition: The winner of the Alhambra Trax Competition is none other than kurisupi, whose musical composition captured the essence of Alhambra in a way that resonated with both the judges and the Magical Genie. Kurisupi will soon be rewarded with their well-deserved prize and a badge to mark their success.

In recognition of all participants, each contestant in the Alhambra competitions will receive a special Alhambra badge as a token of appreciation for their hard work and creativity. The enthusiasm and passion displayed by the Casper community throughout this event have truly made it an unforgettable experience.

Today is also the last day to visit the Alhambra Palace and get a badge!
Meanwhile, the Grand Casper Cruise—now a staple of the Alhambra experience—is about to depart from its current destination. As the ship sets sail, Captain.Harry prepares to guide the vessel on its next journey, with whispers circulating about an exciting stop in the near future. Captain.Harry hopes the Casper users aren't afraid of snakes...

Stay tuned as the Grand Casper Cruise embarks on its next adventure, with surprises and delights waiting for Casper Hotel users at every turn. Where will the cruise head next? Only time will tell—but one thing’s for sure: it’s bound to be an experience that you won’t want to miss!

Congratulations again to the winners, blueone and kurisupi! And to all Alhambra participants, thank you for making this competition a true celebration of creativity and community.

Keep an eye on the seas and stay tuned for more updates from Casper Hotel in Discord as the adventure continues!


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