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[ROTW6] Franks Retreat Winners

Who won the event? Click to find out!

Today was the final day for entries into ROTW6 Franks Retreat. There were five submissions into this event and I made sure to make the prizes this time around worth it. I'd like to add that everyone will be getting a participation rare if you submitted to the event. I personally think all of the rooms were deserving this time around and I think participation should be encouraged and rewarded fairly. :)

1ST Place Winner: Blueone Theirs was the last room I entered after checking out the others rooms. I was vibing with the layout at honestly the whole goddess garden with petal patches really played into their favor and set the whole scene.

2ND Place Winner: M His use of building up around a island style paradise was a great use of space and really made the area feel like a resort. I would definitely visit this place in real life if I could.

3RD Place Winner: Arvi Their style of building is one of my favorites, reminds me of the old rooms I used to see in Habbo as a kid when scripting was around and people were still testing the limitations of rooms in shockwave. That and trying to build scenes with furniture that had yet to come into Habbo until the late flash days.

Again, thanks to everyone who participated. It's well deserved and I can't wait to see what you guys put together next event!! Winners and participants check the Casper Homepage Minimail for credits vouchers. Then check your inventory for the prizes.


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